An Assessment of Brand Loyalty, Perceived Quality and Price as Antecedents of Purchase Decision: Evidence From Ghana’s Textile Industry
Brand loyalty. price. purchase decision. quality. textiles industryAbstract
Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to assess the effects of brand loyalty, perceived quality and perceived price on purchase decisions among buyers in Ghana's textile industry.
Design/Methodology/approach: The current study was quantitative in nature and involved gathering and analysis of cross-sectional data. The study gathered quantitative data from a representative sample of 500 customers from Accra, Ghana. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied in analysing primary data. A structural equation modelling approach with IBM SPSS AMOS software was used to assess the nature of the nexus between the identified variables.
Findings: The findings suggested that the predictors: brand loyalty, perceived price, and perceived quality separately and jointly have a significantly positive effect on purchase decisions for Ghanaian textile products.
Practical Implications: This study has practical implications for using branding to gain a competitive advantage. Textiles firms using ‘made in Ghana’ branding, a good communication strategy on product quality can influence purchase intention and build brand loyalty among buyers.
Social Implications: The study's findings on the influence of cultural factors on purchase decisions can have important social implications. By understanding how social norms, values, and beliefs affect consumer behaviour, policymakers can develop policies and regulations that support sustainable and ethical practices in the textile industry.
Original Value: The novelty of this study lies in its investigation of the relationship between brand loyalty, perceived quality, price, and purchase decisions in the context of Ghana's textile industry. While there is some research on these factors in other industries and regions, there is a lack of comprehensive studies on how they affect purchase decisions in the textile industry in Ghana.
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