Examination of Guests’ Choice For Star-Rated Hotels in Ghana
Choice. criteria. guests. hotel. Star-rated.Abstract
Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the factors that impact guests’ choice of star-rated hotels in Ghana.
Design/Methodology/Approach: A survey and questionnaire were used to collect data from 100 guests from 10 selected star-rated hotels. The guests were selected using a convenience sampling technique. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Findings: The survey found that the primary factors influencing customers' decisions on star-rated hotels include cleanliness, external presentation, pricing value, security and safety, expected service quality, comfortable amenities, and facility amenities. The study also found that guests’ demographic profiles influenced the choice of a star-rated hotel.
Research Implications/Limitations: The study focused on 1-5-star rated hotels in Accra, Kumasi, and Sunyani.
Practical Implications: It is anticipated that the knowledge emanating from the study will guide hotel proprietors to have an overview of the required needs of guests. The study recommends that hotel owners should focus more on cleanliness, external appearance, price value, security, and safety to attract and retain guests.
Social implication: This study would help researchers understand the societal dynamics and cultural nuances that shape guests' preferences and perceptions in the context of the hospitality industry in Ghana.
Originality/Value: Prior studies have mostly concentrated on the more general factors that affect guests' hotel choices, and relatively little is known about how guests pick hotels based on their star ratings. This study proposed a conceptual framework that adapted multi-lingual staff, disability friendliness and demographic traits, and inferential statistics such as factor analysis and regression to ascertain the extent of the impact on guests’ choice of star-rated hotels which is missing in the literature review.
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