The Influence of System Users’ Competencies on The Performance of Human Capital Management Information Systems in Tanzanian
Competencies. human capital. information system. local government. management.Abstract
Purpose: Human Capital Management Information System (HCMIS) performance in Tanzanian Local Government Authorities (LGAs) is investigated in this study, with a focus on the effect of user competency.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This study used an explanatory cross-sectional methodology. Mwanza, Arusha, Dodoma, Morogoro, Iringa, and Kagera were the six regions of Tanzania that were included in the study, which included 37 LGAs. A total of 201 Human Resource Officers (HROs) were randomly chosen from each of the sampled districts to fill out a questionnaire that provided the bulk of the study's data. Six (6) HRO "approvers" and two (2) directors from the Human Capital Division were among the eight (8) key informants who were in-depth interviewed. Ordered logistic regression and content analysis were used to analyse the data.
Findings: The study found that 21% of the HROs had sufficient IT skills, 52% claimed to have a deep understanding of HR, and 56% had 4–7 years of experience. System users' abilities, including their degree of IT skills, commitment, and experience, significantly affect HCMIS performance in terms of completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of information, according to the results of the ordered logistic model.
Practical Implications: The study underscores the need for comprehensive and ongoing training programs to improve user competency. By regularly updating the knowledge and skills of employees, LGAs can ensure more efficient and effective use of the HCMIS.
Social Implications: Individuals can be empowered to take charge of their professional development, leading to increased job satisfaction, employee motivation, improved HCMIS competencies, and, in turn, fostering diversity and inclusion.
Originality and Value: The paper identified, cognitive abilities, and behavioural competencies, tailored to the needs and realities of Tanzanian organisations. This holistic approach to assessing competencies is relatively novel and adds depth to understanding how different aspects of user capabilities contribute to system performance.
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