Embracing Business Sustainability: The Case of Small and Micro Tourist Accommodation In The Upper East Region
Acceptance. rural. sustainability. tourism. Upper East RegionAbstract
Purpose: This study holds significant importance as it delves into the degree to which small and micro tourist businesses (SMTBs), particularly small lodging businesses in the Upper East Region of Ghana, have adopted the concept of sustainability. This investigation is crucial for understanding the current state of sustainability in the tourism industry.
Design/Methodology/ Approach: This study employed a purposive sampling technique and conducted a comprehensive survey of 196 lodging facility owner-managers. The responses of 144 participants were meticulously examined to gauge the level of sustainability embraced by their companies. A 5-point Likert-type scale, ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much so), was used to measure the responses. The statistical techniques of ANOVA and frequency analysis were employed to investigate and test the means of the variables and their significance across business categories.
Findings: The findings revealed that, depending on the type of business, there are notable variations in the following areas: 1) attitude toward accepting sustainability; 2) application of sustainability for their enterprises; and 3) understanding of the obstacles to applying sustainability among owner-managers of lodging houses.
Research Limitation/Implication: This study was only exploratory due to some practical constraints and methodological limitations that prevented the inclusion of a wide range of sectors. It also focused on SMTBs in only the Upper East Region of Ghana.
Practical Implication: A policy foundation is necessary for small businesses to respond dynamically to changing business and social environment trends. For example, environmental marks in the manufacturing industry, environmental tourism management practices, and environmental tourism consumption experiences should be introduced and rewarded, and related promotion measures should be specified.
Social Implication: The study recommends policy options for improving SMTB sustainability and how their establishments can impact the environment and society.
Originality/Value: The study's originality is how SMBTs respond to environmental sustainability concerning their business characteristics at the local level. Secondly, the Upper East Region of Ghana has many tourism businesses; hence, there is a need to understand the concept of sustainable tourism specifically applied to business activities.
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