The Teacher’s Role in The Formation of Mathematical Competence Through Symmedian Research


  • L. Hetmanenko Institute of In-Service Teachers’ Training, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine.



Antiparallels. Cheva’s theorem. isogonal lines. lemoine. symmedian


Purpose: The research is of significant importance as it focuses on evaluating instructional methods used by mathematics teachers to promote intellectual growth and develop critical thinking skills. The study aims to analyse the main teaching strategies that ensure students’ desire for independent learning.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The study adopts a mixed-methods approach, integrating qualitative and quantitative research paradigms to explore how modern approaches and practices can enhance professional mathematical competence among teachers. The exploration focuses specifically on the application of symmedian research in mathematical instruction. The research is based on solving problems in geometry, in particular, on studying the properties of the symmedian of a triangle, which contributes to the development of spatial perception and analytical thinking.

Findings: The integration of various methods and technologies is crucial in developing mathematical competence, preparing students for solving complex problems in a globalised world. The article's recommendations for using interactive tools, collaborative platforms, and adaptive software to improve math teaching, as well as its directions for optimising digital technologies and innovative methods in teaching mathematics, are of significant value.

Research Limitation/Implications: The article underscores the teacher's crucial role as a mediator who adapts traditional teaching methods to meet the demands of the modern educational environment. It highlights the practical implications of preparing students to thrive in a rapidly evolving world, making the research findings directly applicable to the professional practice of educators.

Social Implication: This paper highlights the importance of teachers acting as mediators who can adjust traditional teaching methods to meet the needs of the contemporary educational environment.

Practical Implication: This study underscores teachers' need to possess practical teaching skills, which are pivotal for ensuring students successfully assimilate and comprehend educational material.

Originality/ Value: By integrating symmedian concepts into the curriculum, this study offers new insights into how teachers can more effectively develop mathematical competence, thereby contributing a unique angle to the existing academic discourse on mathematical education.

Author Biography

L. Hetmanenko, Institute of In-Service Teachers’ Training, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Liudmyla Hetmanenko is a Senior Lecturer at the  Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Education and Technologies, Institute of In-Service Teachers’ Training, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Hetmanenko, L. (2024). The Teacher’s Role in The Formation of Mathematical Competence Through Symmedian Research. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH, 10(1), 387–399.