Groundwater Quality Assessment: A Case of Urban Population Demography and Nutrient Enrichment in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria


  • E. U. Etim University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
  • R. O. Olatunji University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria



Assessment. contamination. groundwater. nutrient. quality


Purpose: This study examines sulphate, nitrate, ammonia, and phosphate concentrations in groundwater found within shallow hand-dug wells around residential areas with low, medium, and high population densities in Ibadan. Furthermore, it establishes seasonal variations of nutrients in groundwater sources.

Design/ Methodology/ Approach: The city's eleven Local Government Areas [LGAs] were classified into three zones of low, medium and high-density populated areas for groundwater sample collection. From each zone, three samples were collected from the dry season and three from the rainy season from hand-dug wells [about 5m], giving 198 samples. Grab samples were collected using water samples from the wells. The groundwater samples were analysed for sulphate by turbidimetric method, nitrate by phenoldisulphonic acid method, ammonia by nesslerisation method and phosphate by ammonium molybdate-ascorbic acid method using standard procedures.

Findings: Results show sulphate, nitrate, ammonia and phosphate levels in groundwater were generally high around high-density populated areas, especially during the dry season across the eleven LGAs. Mainly, sulphate and nitrate levels exceeded the NIS 977: 2017 standards of 100mg/L and 10mg/L in Ibadan Southeast and sulphate in Ibadan Northeast at high and medium populated density areas. Statistical T-testing (p=0.05) shows a significant difference in seasonal nutrient levels for all the LGAs. A positive correlation was observed in nutrient concentrations with a depth of the groundwater source.

Practical Implications: Nutrients are among the most potent contaminants of groundwater, which poses a significant threat to human capital development and health. High levels of sulphate and nitrate in the groundwater supply can lead to poor palatability and methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) in babies.

Social Implications: Public enlightenment is needed on the dangers of high groundwater nutrient concentrations and their human health implications.

Originality and Value: This study provides much-needed data on groundwater nutrient levels since other available data centres focus primarily on trace metals and organics in groundwater within the Ibadan city demography.

Author Biography

E. U. Etim, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

Dr. Effiong Ukorebi Etim is a Reader at the Department of Chemistry, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Etim, E. U., & Olatunji, R. O. (2024). Groundwater Quality Assessment: A Case of Urban Population Demography and Nutrient Enrichment in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH, 10(1), 466–480.