The Behavioural Change of Distribution Networks with Increasing Circuit Length and Load


  • J. E. Essilfie Pentecost University, Ghana.
  • P. K. Amoah Pentecost University, Ghana.



Circuit length. current. reactance. resistance. voltage


Purpose: This study investigated the behavioural change of distribution networks with increasing circuit length and load.

Design/Methodology/Approach: This study employed a simulation-based experimental design using OpenDSS to model and analyse the behaviour of the distribution network under different scenarios. A combination of varying network lengths and loading levels was chosen to determine the behavioural changes of a network. A total of 100 simulations were conducted, representing 10 different circuit lengths and 10 different loading conditions. Data collection on voltage levels at various points along the circuit, focusing on the voltage at the end of the circuit was carried out. Each scenario will be modelled and analysed to study the voltage drop and stability. The simulation results were validated by comparing them with theoretical calculations and real-world measurements from similar networks.

Findings: It has been shown that, for every circuit length there is a maximum load that will result in a linear relationship maintaining the correct energy balance to respond to voltage regulation and power flow. With circuit length increase, capacitive reactance reduces while resistance and inductive reactance increase leading to a more inductive circuit.

Research Limitation/Implications:  The research considered only changes in circuit length and loading as it was based on a simplified source-load equivalent circuit.

Practical implication: It draws the attention of practising engineers and designers to be mindful of the implications of load increase and network expansions on system characteristics. It forms a guide to the limit a circuit could be extended or loaded if system balance is to be maintained.

Social Implication: A stable and reliable power supply supports economic growth, public health, and safety, leading to improved quality of life. Ensuring all communities have reliable electricity fosters social equity and inclusion, promoting fairness and improving the quality of life for disadvantaged groups.

Originality/Value: The novelty of this research lies in its comprehensive, realistic, and advanced approach to studying the behavioural changes in distribution networks with increasing circuit length and load. By addressing previously overlooked aspects and integrating modern computational and data analysis techniques, the study provides valuable new insights that can significantly improve the design, operation, and management of long distribution networks.

Author Biographies

J. E. Essilfie, Pentecost University, Ghana.

He is a Professor with the Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Pentecost University, Ghana.

P. K. Amoah, Pentecost University, Ghana.

He is a Lecturer with the Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Pentecost University, Ghana.


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How to Cite

Essilfie, J. E., & Amoah, P. K. (2024). The Behavioural Change of Distribution Networks with Increasing Circuit Length and Load. AFRICAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH, 10(1), 147–160.