Performance Evaluation of Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Using the Monte Carlo Simulation Method in an AWGN Channel
Bit error rate. digital terrestrial television. signal. simulation. synchronousAbstract
Purpose: The study investigates the performance of digital terrestrial television broadcasting in Ghana.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The experimental methodology employed MATLAB R2018a as the primary simulation environment, operating on a Dell laptop with Windows 8, 16GB RAM, and an Intel Core i7 processor. The Monte Carlo simulation framework was implemented to analyse probabilistic outcomes in complex systems where deterministic approaches prove inadequate.
Findings: This work performs a MATLAB simulation of a digital network in an Asynchronous white Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel using Monte Carlo Simulation. The performance of BER vs. SNR is analysed using several QAM modulation schemes. The effect of noise over the AWGN channel was observed using constellation diagrams.
Research Limitation: This study concentrated on digital terrestrial television in Ghana, QAM modulation techniques, and MATLAB as a modelling tool.
Practical Implication: BER and SNR are excellent measurements of a digital communication system's performance. Understanding the bit-error rate (BER) facilitates optimising other digital communication system parameters for improved performance.
Social Implication: A Bit Error Rate (BER) offers an impartial, measurable measure of the system closely linked to its operational performance. A higher bit error rate (BER) indicates poor system performance. There is an apparent variance in the BER in the AWGN channel between low and high modulation techniques.
Originality/ Value: This paper simulates the BER performance of a digital communication system. The benchmark compares the BER variation in an AWGN channel for various SNRs using various modulation techniques.
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