Key Account Management, Brand Innovation and Marketing Performance of SMEs
Key account management. brand innovation. marketing. performance. SMEsAbstract
Purpose: The paper assesses the influence of key account management (KAM) and brand innovation on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) marketing performance.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study draws on an explanatory research design to administer questionnaires to 200 business operators in the Kumasi metropolis of the Ashanti region. The sampling process is based on the availability and willingness of SME business operators to participate. Output from SPSS and SmartPLS was used for structural equation modelling to estimate the hypothesised relationships between KAM practices, brand innovation, and marketing performance.
Findings: The results support the proposed relationships, demonstrating that KAM practices significantly impact the marketing performance of SMEs, specifically customer-oriented profitability and customer-oriented relationships. The findings further indicate that brand innovations mediate the influence of KAM practices on marketing performance.
Research Limitation: Given that most respondents were top management of SMEs, there is a strong possibility of bias in the information provided, as they may have withheld details that could cast their organisation in a negative light.
Practical Implication: The paper contributes to the operational dimensions of SMEs on the practical importance of implementing KAM practices and brand innovations to achieve higher marketing performance.
Social Implication: The paper will help policymakers appreciate areas of business operations that require attention when developing policies aimed at the long-term survival of SMEs.
Originality/Value: The study enhances our theoretical appreciation of how KAM and Brand innovation practices lead to marketing performance.
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