The Mediating Effect of Service Quality on the Relationship between Ride-Hailing Driver Characteristics and Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction. driver characteristics, ride-hailing. service quality. transportAbstract
Purpose: This study explored the relationship between the ride-hailing transport system, service quality, customer satisfaction, and driver characteristics among university and college students in major cities in Ghana.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Using a quantitative approach, data were collected from a sample of 436 ride-hailing users through the simple random sampling technique. A cross-sectional research design was employed for data gathering, and Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) version 4.0 was utilised for data analysis.
Findings: The findings indicated that the ride-hailing transport system significantly influenced service quality and overall customer satisfaction. Additionally, driver characteristics such as skills, punctuality, and age impacted customer satisfaction. The study also established a positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction.
Research Limitation: Research within specific geographical areas or demographics restricts the findings' applicability to other cultural or economic contexts.
Practical Implications: The results highlight the necessity for transportation network companies (TNCs) to improve driver training and service quality to boost customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and enhance business performance.
Social Implications: The study's insights on the mediating effect of service quality will guide policymakers in identifying key factors influencing consumer satisfaction in the ride-hailing industry. By understanding these dynamics, policymakers can develop regulations that enhance service standards, benefiting drivers and passengers through improved operational frameworks.
Originality/ Value: This research contributes to the existing literature on ride-hailing transport systems by emphasising the critical roles of service quality and driver characteristics in enhancing customer satisfaction.
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