Moderating Effect of Social Network Ties on Employee Intrapreneurial Orientation and Small Enterprise Performance
Autonomy. enterprise performance. innovativeness. intrapreneurial. risk-takingAbstract
Purpose: This research examines the influence of employee intrapreneurial orientation on the performance of small businesses in Ghana, explicitly emphasising the moderating effect of social networks.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This research employed a quantitative approach, employing a cross-sectional survey to gather data from 571 key informants in small enterprises in the regions of Greater Accra, Ashanti, and Bono in Ghana. SmartPLS structural equation modelling and Hayes' PROCESS techniques were utilised to examine the relationships among the variables.
Findings: The analysis indicated that employee proactiveness and competitive aggressiveness significantly enhance small enterprise performance, while employee innovativeness and risk-taking propensity showed no direct effect. On the other hand, employee autonomy demonstrated a negative correlation. Furthermore, social network ties positively moderated the association between employee intrapreneurial orientation and small enterprise performance.
Research Limitation: The cross-sectional design used in the study restricts the capacity to determine definitive causal relations, and findings may not be generalisable beyond the Ghanaian context.
Practical Implication: Managers should foster a culture that promotes proactivity and competitive behaviour among employees while encouraging strong social networks to optimise firm performance.
Social Implication: Enhancing social networks within small enterprises can improve economic outcomes, supporting broader economic growth and job creation in developing regions.
Originality: This research advances the body of research by indicating how different aspects of intrapreneurial orientation have different effects and emphasising how important social networks are for improving small businesses' performance in underdeveloped economies.
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