Technological Readiness, Innovative Work Behaviour, and Boundary Integration in Ghana's Public Sector
Behaviour. innovative. readiness. technological. workAbstract
Purpose: This study investigates the impact of technological readiness (TR) on innovative work behaviour (IWB) among public sector employees in Ghana, with a focus on the moderating role of boundary integration behaviour (BIB). The Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Theory is employed to clarify these relationships.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Data were collected from 484 public sector employees through structured sets of questionnaires using a quantitative research design. The study employed partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) to analyse the relationships between TR, IWB, and BIB.
Findings: The results indicate that technology motivators (optimism and innovativeness) significantly enhance IWB, while technology inhibitors (discomfort and insecurity) do not have a statistically significant adverse impact as anticipated. Additionally, BIB positively moderates the relationship between technology motivators and IWB but not between technology inhibitors and IWB.
Research Limitation: The study is limited to public sector employees in Ghana, which may affect the generalizability of the findings. Future research could explore similar relationships in different cultural and organisational contexts.
Practical Implication: To enhance innovation, organisations should promote a positive technological environment and support work-life balance. This can be achieved by promoting technological motivators and encouraging positive boundary management practices.
Social Implication: Boosting IWB in the public sector can improve public services and yield societal benefits, contributing to overall national development.
Originality/Value: This study provides empirical evidence from a developing country context, contributing to Africa's limited knowledge on public sector innovation. It highlights the importance of TR and BIB in enhancing innovation among public sector employees.
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