Study for Identification and Classification of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Implementation Drivers in Small and Medium Enterprises
Adoption. advanced manufacturing technologies. interpretive. modelling. structuralAbstract
Purpose: The primary objective of this study is to assess the factors that have the most significant impact on SMEs' adoption rate of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (AMT).
Design/Methodology/Approach: An interpretive structural modelling (ISM) approach was applied to assess drivers for AMT adoption. Data was gathered from literature and supplemented by expert opinions from academics and professionals. The identified drivers were ranked and classified through the ISM framework, and their reliability and influence were examined using the Matrice d'impacts croisés multiplication appliquée á un classment (MICMAC) analysis.
Findings: The ISM analysis revealed that government policy support and customer/buyer pressure are primary drivers for AMT adoption in SMEs. These drivers form the foundational factors influencing the successful implementation of AMTs and enabling SMEs to develop strategic, priority-based business plans.
Research Limitation: The study is limited to SME environments, which may restrict its applicability to larger firms.
Practical Implication: Emphasising government support and responding to buyer pressure can guide SMEs in integrating AMTs more effectively.
Social Implication: Successful AMT implementation in SMEs can promote job creation, local economic growth, and sustainable manufacturing practices, benefiting society by enhancing regional competitiveness and innovation.
Originality/Value: This study provides a structured framework for understanding AMT adoption drivers in SMEs, incorporating ISM and MICMAC analyses to bridge a gap in the literature.
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