Triple Top Line Thinking for Triple Bottom Line Performance: Reflections on Outcomes of CCTU Eco-Guesthouse Business Plan Development
Business plan. eco-guesthouse. outcomes. project. tourismAbstract
Purpose: Using the case of a DAAD-sponsored Eco-Guesthouse project at Cape Coast Technical University, the study analysed the outcomes of a business plan development process based on the reflective experiences of participants and stakeholders.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The study was qualitative, following a phenomenological approach to inquiry. Structured interviews were used to collect data from a purposive sample of 12 participants and stakeholders. The data was analysed qualitatively using Constant Comparative Analysis (CCA).
Findings: The study found that, for start-ups, Triple Top Line (TTL) thinking allows a proactive strategic view of business. This influences the choice of business model, the approach to business planning and development, and consequently, the value placed on the outcomes of the process. The study concludes that project outcomes in the form of resulting new knowledge, skills acquisition, changes in attitudes, and the development and strengthening of new and existing relationships from a system perspective constitute a useful, albeit tacit and fuzzy construct for evaluating project performance beyond tangible outputs.
Research Limitation: While the literature supports the number of participants and stakeholders (12) used for the study, the findings of such interview-based qualitative studies are often indicative, which limits the extent of generalisation.
Practical Implication: This study helps understand the value of business plan development for the potential success startups.
Social Implication: The study shows that a TTL perspective of startups makes an integrated approach to business planning and development imperative and allows for interdisciplinary collaboration among stakeholders to achieve TBL performance.
Originality/Value: Theoretically, the paper demonstrates the inextricable linkage between triple top line thinking and triple bottom line performance, and the significant place of outcomes in evaluating project success from a systems point of view.
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